Solar Thermal Power Plant


Solar thermal power plant

A solar thermal plant is a facility designed for converting solar energy into electricity through a conventional thermodynamic cycle. However, unlike thermal power plants that work by using fossil fuels, solar thermal power plants use a completely eco-friendly energy source like sunlight. The technology used to produce electricity is slightly different depending on the type of solar thermal plant we’re talking about, but its operating system is similar.

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solar thermal power plant concentrates the solar radiation to heat a fluid with thermally conductive properties and raise its temperature until it’s converted into steam. It’s then fed to a turbine. Here, the thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy, which is transmitted to an alternator where its final transformation into electricity takes place. Once the thermodynamic cycle has been completed, the steam is returned to a condenser where it recovers its liquid state and the process is repeated again. 

From an efficiency point of view, it’s important to take into account that the performance of a solar thermal plant depends on the hours of sunshine and weather conditions. Therefore, these power plants also have a storage tank that allows the energy obtained to be stored to use it when necessary.


Collector solar thermal power plant

There are two main types of solar thermal power plants:

Central tower solar thermal power plant

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